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8AM - PST     9AM - MNT     10AM - CST     11AM - EST     4PM - LONDON     5PM - PARIS     6PM - ATHENS     8PM - NEW DELHI          11PM - MANILA

Season 7 of the Branson International Film festival is expanding into an unfamiliar territory to most. It is with intention so that you can learn the future of events and different ways technology is being used responsibly. Sessions will be offered leading up to the festival date so that you are ready to navigate the space provided in Spatial. Courses will be offered there and via ZOOM.  


The 2024 season is also designed so that you can learn how to successfully navigate through the film freeway processes and how simple mistakes are costing some in the marketplace. Then, Season 8, we will pivot back to the month of April and be offering both physical and virtual places to best serve the global audience.

It's an exciting time to be in this industry and we're honored to serve you and help you in the marketplace.  Below are special events we're hosting along with the screening of some of the films. 

  • Date and time is TBD
    Date and time is TBD
    Date and time is TBD
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