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2023 Nominations

Best Full Feature

Best Actor/Actress - Full Feature

Best Supporting Actor/Actress - Full Feature

Best Full Feature - Cinematography

Best Music Score - Full Feature

Best Short Film

Best Actor/Actress - Short Film

Best Supporting Actor/Actress - Short Film

Best Short Film - Cinematography

Best Short Film - Music Score

Best Proof of Concept

Best Animation

Best Documentary

Best Biblical

Best Student

Best Children

Best Youth

Best Television Series

Most Creative Christian Music Video

Best Script

Gentleman's Agreement - H.I. Silverman

Based on true events, controversial, and charged with powerful social commentary, Gentleman's Agreement is a psychological drama about financial and moral corruption at a major American university, contemporary antisemitism, ethics, faith in God and in oneself.

Hosea - An Undying Love - Linda Bentley

A young and successful preacher Hosea falls deeply in love with a beautiful, troubled young woman, Gamaria, who he meets at a church picnic.

As a playboy LA abortionist grieves over the brutal murder of his pregnant daughter, he gives up his practice, retreats to a rural area where he raises plants in a greenhouse that are inhabited by the souls of babies he aborted - and they communicate with him.

The Greenhouse - James E. Clark

A woman struggles to find peace from a decision she made in her youth.

Forgiven - Linda G. Bentley

Jeanette can't get a break, if it weren't for bad luck, she'd have no luck at all. She sneaks a bottle of water into a theater hidden in her pants, which leaks and people think she's pregnant. Then getting away for a visit to her relatives in the country, she's called on to represent a dog in a rural court in front of the Shire-reeve. The prosecuting Attorney is an old Son Of The South type and reminds one of the late great actor, Strother Mattin or Colonel Sanders. The comedic banter in the courtroom would do SNL proud. In the end, Jeannette's universe begins to look like her lucks going to change for the better...or is it.

It's A Fine Day - Kent Flaagan

A young couple's son is diagnosed with Autism, sending them on a tumultuous journey to find help for him. Their faith is tested as they try to understand how God could possibly be doing anything good with this life of struggle.

Because of Charlie - Burke E. Sage

The "Age of the Kingdom" series is a one-hour, biblical, historical drama covering multiple generations of several families in Israel's United Monarchy period. In the pilot, Eldad of Mizpah must join the fight against an invading Philistine army to protect his family and a courageous woman must rescue her young orphan nephew from a burning city to keep the religion of Yahweh alive.

Age of the Kingdom - Gary Ivey

Based on the true story of a young man's miraculous recovery following a car crash.

A Walking Miracle - Slavica Bogdanov

Captivated by an extraordinary star, three Persian warrior priests journey along the Silk Road battling evil and struggle with their faith until they are transformed by God on their way to Bethlehem.

Quest for Light, Adventure of the Magi - Byron Anderson

A frustrated social worker disheartened by the plight of the people he cares for sends a desperate text to God and gets an answer.

Texting God - William Langlois

A mother hit hard by the recession works multiple jobs to support her and her son, at her lowest, being guided by an unexplainable, spiritual-like force, sparked by her near-death experience.

The White Candle - Natalie A Meza, Sharon Suzanne Butler

A denied inheritance plunges two strong-willed women into a treasure hunt. As challenges mount, consequences for their decisions turn deadly. Survival and revenge become paramount in this non-stop action thriller. Who will find true treasure? Buried Alone.

Buried Alone - Renee Tedford

Based off the Prophet Elijah, his conflict with King Ahab, and Queen Jezabel. Elijah must conquer his fear of being killed by the angry Queen. Occurring after the death of the Priests of Baal. During this time, Elijah has an encounter with the Lord.

A Still Small Voice - Deborah Kay Paulsen

Miles was only a myth until someone believed he was real.

Miles The Myth - Jose Calleja Otero

When a group of diverse and eclectic social workers with more dysfunction than the Homeless they serve, line up for services at a faith based agency they unwillingly work through their own prejudice, privilege and guilt.

America the Land of the Free? - Kandis Heckler

A modern version of Tom and Huck meet the headless horseman: two boys fascinated with local lore about a headless rodeo clown witness their teacher assaulted and must decide what to do when the teacher is found dead and they're confronted by her killer.

The Legend of Sleeping Springs - Laura Mays

In an effort to save his daughter and granddaughter, an esteemed pastor held captive in his sunroom is forced to secure a ransom and play spiritual mind games with an armed, sinister atheist watching his every move.

Crosshairs on Angels - Alan Maki

A big time investment banker loses everything and ends up in a homeless shelter where he is seized by God and given a new purpose for his life.

Going Broke - William Langlois

People in a small town going through hard times during the Christmas season are led by a cardinal to a Nativity scene that comes to life.

Christmas Cardinal - William Langlois

An American Student traveling in China is kidnapped and sold to North Korea for his language skills.

Way of the North - Brian Lorenzo Morgan

Hollywood 'Bad Boy' -- actor Lane Atherton -- is a human wrecking ball! Before he rides off into the sunset, he will stampede through hell before heaven hooks his heart.

No Place I'd Rather Be - Steven C. Martin

A burglar witnesses a shooting and flees to his childhood haunts at St. Mary's Church and Hospital where he must outsmart more crooks to save the hospital before the police catch up with him.

CONFESSIONS OF ST. MARY'S - Eric Sollars, Geoffrey Sollars, Michael Sollars

AlwaysMine is a Christian story which moves between three time periods: the slave period, the early 1900's and more modern times. This moving story comes with twists and surprises all leading to a God answer.

Always Mine - Raven M Smith

Bonnie Bailey hopes to achieve the perfect Christmas for her family. Tommy Bailey, her husband, is not on board. The children, thirteen year old Jo, ten year old Scout and 6 year old Emmie are all for getting everything they want for Christmas. Bonnie insists that they go out shopping together so that she can be shown exactly what the children want.

The Best Gifts - Carrie Ann Lee

When a young man is anointed the next prophet of Israel, he struggles with loss, betrayal, a multi-kingdom conflict and the relentless doubting of those around him.

Elisha - Steven Grindeland

Teens out for fun pick up a hitchhiker. He changes their lives as well as that of their friends.

Changes- A. L. Jobrail

When high school teacher Matthew Sower’s car breaks down after being let go from his job, his worst day ever becomes a mission from God to reach a group of foster teens who call themselves The Misfits.

Perfect Misfits - Beverly Nault

A young pastors daughter has to make a decision once she learns of her "condition" - A pro-life film

The Condition - Rod Randolph

This is a story that has never been told of Mother Mary’s life after the crucifixion of her beloved son. Through conflict, tragedies, loss, and monumental challenges she embodies the archetypal love and devotion for a son that has inspired the world. She birthed a son from heaven, then beyond his grave mothers his consciousness of love. It’s the story of Mary’s struggles to give birth to a new world through the womb of compassion to prove her crucified son’s ideals about the transcendent power of love and mercy.

Mother of Grace and Mercy - Dan Willis

A group of college students thought they were only conducting harmless experiments with light. When a violent lightning storm hits and a terrible accident unfolds before their eyes, they find a way see beyond the naked eye. Once that door is opened it can swing both ways. Beware looking into the SPECTRUM.

Spectrum - Bryan Mero
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